Friday, March 16, 2012

Sitting on a little time

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6 months is about the time that you are “supposed” to be able to sit up and roll over both ways. But, of course, AE was not doing these things. She could roll over from belly to back but not the opposite and she couldn’t sit up unassisted. Her pediatrician, Dr. O, wanted her to go see Dr. H, Caleb’s neurologist.  My heart just sank when I thought about going down that road with her.  We decided that we would become crazy PT parents (parents who would make our girl do physical therapy exercises all the time, the exercises we learned with C.) That way we would give her a little more time to prove herself. She is so much stronger already! She is rarely in a toy(excersaucer,  bouncy chair, johnny jumper etc) and multiple times a day has mini sessions where we focus on her strength. Since we have started this, she has rolled over from her back to her belly twice and is WAY closer to sitting up!

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Yes, it might look like a 3 ring circus. It is sometimes. Whatever it takes!

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Please pray for our little girl that she will continue to develop appropriately! Thankfully she is generally happy no matter where we have her or what we have her do! You can teach someone how to grow in strength and to do physical activities but a person’s character is from the Lord! Thank the LORD-He gave her a sweet and content heart. We can do a lot of things with a character like that.

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