Sunday, September 4, 2011

Just a routine doctor’s appointment

We had our routine doctor’s appointment set up for 2 days after we got home from the hospital to check her weight. Ansley was having a little trouble with sleeping and eating, but what newborn doesn’t?

I would have to dropper feed her to either get her interested in food or to just get some milk in her. She had been finicky about eating since she was born. She literally did not suck until she was 20hours old. But besides that we didn’t think anything else was going on.

2011-09-01 04.22.20-1

Daddy went back to work for a few hours, so Gdad took us to the doctor. We decided to get Caleb out of the house for a little field trip. He wasn’t supposed to fall asleep!

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Both kids knocked out on our 20minute drive.

2011-09-01 11.07.202011-09-01 11.07.47

At the doctor’s office.


New weight: 6lbs 2oz. (birth weight 6lb 9oz, and going home weight 6lb 4oz)


Getting measured again. Only 19 inches now that her cone head has rounded out.


Getting snuggly waiting on the doctor to come in.

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This was right before she came back in to tell us that her rectal temperature was 94-96degrees and that we were being sent directly to the hospital. No pictures were taken of my breakdown. I immediately called Josh at work and had him meet us at the doctor’s office.


As soon as we got to the hospital we were admitted to the pediatric unit. They started and IV, drew some blood, got a urine sample with a catheter and did a spinal tap. In newborns when they are sick they can either spike a fever(like adults do) or can get hypothermic(which Ansley did). If an infection is present, treatment is needed immediately. Right after all of the labs were drawn, IV antibiotics were started just in case. She was under a warmer(see her rosey cheeks!) and finally was warm for the first time in days! I was able to give her “sweeties” (sugar water with a dropper) and it actually kept her calm and she fussed very little during all of the procedures. I was really amazed at how well the sweeties worked.

2011-09-01 15.05.43

Her little IV. And of course we had to have a pink board!

2011-09-01 15.06.30

We had to step out of the room for the spinal tap and I finally got her back! Mommy and Ansley are sitting under the warmer.

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Daddy spent half his time at the hospital with us and half at home with Caleb.(Josh’s parents were still in town and were watching Caleb!). Josh had to pack my bags and he had a great idea to get this 9mo sleeper sack for Ansley. It was huge and perfect. Her little IV was able to fit in the big sleeve and it was able to keep her nice, warm and cute.

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The next morning you could really tell she was started to feel better. Nice and alert.

2011-09-02 07.34.512011-09-02 10.43.26

For the couple of days we were home, she only wanted to sleep on our chest. We thought she was getting spoiled. Turns out the girl just wanted our body heat. Poor girl. Now she is able to take naps by herself since she was nice and warm again.

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Daddy and Gdad would send Mommy picture texts and videos of Caleb. I missed that little boy so much, I cried!

2011-09-02 19.06.52

We had awesome nurses. One of the night shift nurses got a movie for us and we were able to “have our first girl’s movie night!”

2011-09-02 20.57.51

Gma and Gdad brought Caleb up to visit everyday!

2011-09-03 09.13.41

Hospital ICE!

2011-09-03 09.14.55

Using the warmer again just to have some nake-nake time and air out that bottom!

2011-09-03 12.29.212011-09-03 12.29.28

She had an IV in her left arm, 3 heart monitor stickies on her chest and a oxygen monitor wrap around her toe. Try handling and holding a baby with all of those wires!

2011-09-03 12.29.472011-09-03 12.37.21

Discharge Day! We gave her a little bird bath and changed her sleeper sack. The only problem was we didn’t have any more girly ones, so we used a Caleb hand-me-down. All of her lab results came back negative! Her discharge weight was 6lbs 7.5oz! Talk about some weight gain!

2011-09-03 15.09.202011-09-03 15.10.06

But don’t worry she still had her pink hat on!

2011-09-03 15.11.09

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