All things Ansley:
- Weight: 8lb 2oz, 20%(birth weight 6lb 9oz)
- Height: 20.25inches ,25%(birth height 19.5inches)
- Head:15%
- Hates: Breastfeeding, big burps, sucking(no paci either), getting her noses sucked out
- Loves: cuddle time, sling carrier, to be swaddled, big hairbows(oh wait that’s Mommy!), sleeping on us, her side or her belly, looking at the chandelier in the kitchen
- Eats 2-4oz every 2-4hours of breastmilk from the Avent bottles
- Her defense mechanism when she is stressed(shots, lumbar puncture etc) is sleeping and lots of it
- Sleeps most of the time, she does wake and have very short periods of awake time in between. At night she is either swaddled and in her bassinet or snuggled with one of us. Daytime sleep is anywhere!
- She is very tolerable of Caleb’s sweet and not-so-sweet touches, kisses, rubs, hugs, and pokes.
- Lost her umbilical cord stump(it was hanging by a thread and the doctor cut it off at her one month appointment)
- Wears newborn clothes and some 0-3(because they are just too cute to wait), and newborn diapers
- Finally got her room finished(pics coming soon!)
- Number of:
- Times Hospitalized:2(birth included)
- boo-boos:4(IV, spinal tap,diaper rash(s) and umbilical cord)
- Colds:1
- Times rolled over from front to back(even if it doesn’t count):3
- Times pounded in the head by big brother:too many to count
- Times went to church:2
- Trips to Mommy’s work:3
- Trips to Daddy’s work:1