Thursday, September 3, 2009

31 weeks and Counting

At 27 weeks, when we had our last ultrasound, I was measuring 2 weeks ahead. This week the doctor measured me at 4 weeks ahead. So the question is then, is it all fluid or is he growing appropriately? So we were scheduled for a repeat ultrasound. The ultrasound tech was looking over his anatomy and measuring to determine size when she came across this good profile, so she quickly switched over to the 4D scan so she could get a good face picture. While she was switching over, she was saying "Don't move baby, Don't move!"
He was still long enough for her to get a couple of good pictures! Look at the cute little guy! This picture even impressed the nurses and staff in the office! We were proud parents today. He even has a little grin on his face.

Under his chin is part of the umbilical cord, which by the not around his neck like it was last time! Praise God!
Here is a picture of his foot(across the top, toes to the right). I asked her to try to get a picture of his foot because we didn't have one of those but this is as good as it gets. I think he had them hiding under my ribs too much to get a good picture.

The amniotic fluid level was 26, the same as last time. The polyhydramnios is not worsening, Praise God again! A 31 weeker should weigh 3.5 lbs but little guys weighs 4 lbs 9 oz! He has grown almost 2 lbs in 4 weeks...if he keeps that up we are definitely looking at a 9 pounder!


  1. He looks so cute! The 4D images are so exciting! I'm glad everything is going are in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. he has the cutest little nose!! love the pics!!! :)
