Friday, March 11, 2011

He loves his Daddy!

Snuggle time. He will stop playing for a little bit and just snuggle and get some love from his Daddy.

2011-02-07 18.40.32

On Daddy’s shoulders and so happy!

2011-02-13 12.11.042011-02-13 12.11.342011-02-13 12.11.13

Saying goodnight to Daddy after bath.

2011-02-14 19.29.43

Daddy does breakfast with Caleb every morning.(And when he was out of town, and I had to do breakfast, Caleb was cranky!) Daddy spoils him and will hold him and feed him the last half of his bowl of oatmeal! SPOILED!

2011-02-18 06.13.26

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