Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daddy Daycare

So my first time leaving Caleb was on my girls spa weekend. I leave him for work/sleep, so both of us are used to being apart some. It was very easy to leave knowing that he was in good hands. Josh had him(except when he was at work) and I knew Caleb would do great. I did get one "oops" message about Caleb getting a boo-boo. Josh took C to the park for a totoal of 4.5hrs on Sunday!

Daddy-"Caleb went down the slide head first a little too fast!"
Mommy-"where were YOU?",
Daddy-"at the top".

He got a little scrape on his nose, poor boy. But if that's the worse that happened to him we are in good shape.
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1 comment:

  1. Haha, I have gotten that story too. Luke getting a mouth full of mulch and a scratch on his face after going down the slide while Dad was still at the top. Silly Daddies!
