Thursday, July 28, 2011

What happens when Uncles babysit?

Many funny stories come from their babysitting adventures.

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Some of their time was spent playing Xbox. How they convinced Caleb to just sit there and watch them play I have no idea!

But I think the funniest story involves the diaper change! There was a critical error in that one of the uncles(to remain nameless) decided to throw away the dirty diaper prior to putting on the clean diaper. And the biggest problem with that mistake is that he was changing Caleb on Nana’s bed! (Have you seen the new huggies commercial where the dad changes his baby on a guest bed? Think fire hose! haha)

And then there was the “can I give him the graham crackers that are in his diaper bag?” story.  The consensus was yes, which was correct(don’t ask why they just didn’t call me!). However, Caleb started “doing something funny with his tongue”, so they took it away, made sure to find the epipen(just in case) and made him wait until I got back.

In their defense, Caleb was supposed to be taking his nap the whole time I was gone, so not much instruction was given. Thanks boys!

So what were all the girls doing that left the boys alone? Spa day with Tifanie of course!

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Side note: Tifanie cut Caleb’s hair(before the babysitting adventures started) and for the first time he didn’t cry! This is a big deal because usually he is purple, stiff and hysterical during haircuts! I was not where he could see me and Nana was holding him.  I think we have decided we will just have to drop him off at the haircut place from now on! I wonder if the haircut place will agree with that-half babysitting, half haircut service! ha.

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