Friday, July 22, 2011

Campmeeting 2011

Time at the Spring. This water is like ICE. Not matter how hot it is outside, you have to get out after a little bit because you go numb!

Daddy and Caleb


Mommy and Caleb. Notice how I don’t get in…too cold!


Halleigh and Caleb


Nana and Caleb

2011-07-17 16.07.312011-07-17 16.09.082011-07-17 16.18.59

Most of the week is spent just hanging out, playing, swinging and trying to stay cool.


A little 4wheeling too.


Best way to stay cool, popsicle in the pool.


Holy Board. Caleb actually squatted to pick up the washer and then stood all by himself. Very proud. He loved to put them in and out of the holes.

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A favorite this year: ROCKS! He couldn’t get enough. Good thing they were everywhere.

2011-07-19 10.32.39

This is his grunting “it’s heavy” face.

2011-07-19 10.33.26

Church was twice a day held in the tabernacle. Just a short walk from our tent(cabin).

2011-07-19 10.57.08

Caleb was hilarious during church. He would clap over his head every time we sang a song. Very enthusiastic

2011-07-19 11.25.33

Hitching a ride back.

2011-07-19 11.58.51

Caleb slept in the crib we slept in as kids.

2011-07-19 13.38.232011-07-19 16.47.45

Aunt Denise and Uncle Buddy. Very impressed at his popsicle eating skills!

2011-07-19 16.51.47

Shavings, always a good thing to play with.


The girls.


The boys.


The whole fam damily.


The great grand kids.


My travel buddy. He did extremely well. I traveled down there(took about 7 hours each way with stops) just me and Caleb. I was very impressed. We did stop a couple of times for breakdown prevention. This was one of them about 45 minutes from home.

2011-07-20 16.38.45


  1. LA- all I can say is you are one awesome mommy to drive by yourself, pregnant, with a 1 year old a 7 hour one-way trip. Bless you. And your family camp meetings intrigue me. Are these like family reunions + revival or something?

  2. oh and the pic of Caleb lifting the rock and his "heaving face" is hilarious!
