Monday, January 5, 2009

1st Doctors Appointment

I had my first doctors appointment this morning! For the first appointment you don't actually have to have an appointment, you just show up! So I set my alarm for 9:00am, got ready, grabbed a baggy full of cheerios and some cranberry juice and off I went! I didn't even get have way there, maybe ate 10 cheerios and I started feeling sick. I was driving by myself, so I was convincing myself that I was fine, but then I got really HOT! Panic stuck in....where in the world am I going to be able to pull off quick enough off of Wendover (the most heavily traveled road here in Greensboro). Well I decided that the closest parking lot would do...Biscuitville! Luckily there were some parking spots that faced the woods. I barely got my door open before I got sick right out of the car! I mean really the first time I get morning sickness has to be when I am driving by myself! I got my act back together and headed for the doctors office. When I got there they did a pregnancy test, the nurse said "I got the same thing you did!" (I was sitting in the waiting area in the back of the office, so she could just say anything!). I ran into Dr. Richardson in the hall and I told her "it worked", she was excited and congratulated me! Then they took me into a room and asked me the basic "are you basically healthy" questions and gave me a FAQ pamphlet. That was it. But my ultrasound appointment is scheduled for February 4th. It seems like forever away! I just cant wait to be able to see my little one and the cute little heart beat!


  1. Congrats!! How exciting!! What an adventure yall are on now!! Enjoy each moment (even those sickly ones ;)
    Joy Morgan

  2. YAY! I am SO glad to have you joining the mommyhood ranks!!

  3. Congratulations! I'll keep you in my prayers for a smooth pregnancy and a healthy baby! :)
