Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

That boy loves the lake, dock and boats!


There was a lot of tag teaming with the kids. Nana watched the kids so we could go on a “sunset cruise” everynight!


There are so many people now, we cant all fit in my grandma’s lake house, so we borrowed the neighbors house too. Nana brought a couple of cool toys for the kids to keep them entertained. It worked!

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Most of the time AE was inside. But we did take her out on the boat once.

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The jacket is bigger than she is!

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Aunt Allie went with us!

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Daddy and Caleb went tubing!

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Mommy and AE watching!


The boys convinced Mommy to go too!


Naps in her bathing suit!


Nana down at the “beach” with the kids. Good multitasking…I’m impressed!

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LOVE this shot!

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AE is not much of an outdoor girl. She would rather just snuggle with Nana then play in the lake!

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The boy loves to drive. And boats. So you can imagine how much he loves to drive boats!

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Ashley and Allie

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Ans enjoying Nana’s prizes. I think we have some growing to do before we can really wear that bow! haha!

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That bow is truly bigger than her head!

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Now that’s more like it! LOVE this shot too!

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Koozie project. We are getting together again, the whole family, later this summer. So we made koozies so we can differentiate whose drink is whose.

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Allie you did an amazing job!

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John was so good at this! He was very focused and helped with everyone else’s too! His koozie says “back to back world war champs” with an American flag on it. bahaha.

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That’s Ashley!

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Here are the final products!

1. Grandma, Deb, Buddy and Jane.

2. LA, Allie, Tifanie and Ashley

3. Denise, Courtney, Alex and Mackenzie

4.Jack, Scott, Zach and John.

5 and 6. Josh. The whole koozie idea was Josh’s. His idea started with koozies and ended with a Sharpie. I took it to the next level with all the embelishments. Josh insisted his said his name in a sharpie! haha.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Ansley’s first little teeth are popping through. It’s not the normal bottoms,  we are still waiting on those, it’s the top two! Her right one is just a smidge ahead, you can finally feel it breaking through. She has done extremely well while “teething”. We didn’t really even know she was because we were watching out for the bottom ones. She has been drooly since about 3 months, we we gave up as that being a sign! Since we noticed the tops, we have added Oragel and Motrin. Our sweet little girl is just so tolerant!

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In the picture above I had asked Caleb to help me make her smile. This was his technique. Whatever, because it worked, and I got a cute picture!

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God sure does have a sense of humor. Giving Ansley the exact teeth that Caleb is missing! haha! Between the two of them, we have a full mouth of teeth again! I cant make this stuff up!!! haha.

Switching seats

We were just having fun one morning at home. Caleb has gotten this bad habit of when he walks by the johnny jumper he pulls it so it will swing and pound into the wall(which drives Daddy nuts!). So this one day I decided to stick him in. He thought it was pretty funny. You know that field day blow up game where you have a belt/bungie on and you try to run and as soon as you stop it flies you back. That’s about how it was. He would walk as far as he could!

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And look at Miss Priss. Sitting in my childhood rocker. It is over by the bookshelf and it is one of Caleb’s favorite little spots. He will sit there and read forever. I think this first little picture of her looks like an Ollan Mills photo! haha!

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