Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ansley-5 months





  • She is spending a lot more time up(like in her excersaucer, johnny jumper and bumbo) and lot more time down(on her playmat). Basically we are encouraging her to use all her muscles and spend less time reclining in her bouncy chair!
  • She still isn’t a fan of tummy time, and usually just puts up a fight. But has ROLLED over now!
  • Getting pretty strong on the sitting up front. Only requires a little support.
  • Eats: pears, sweet potato (her all time favorite!), carrots, peas, baby oatmeal and we are introducing new foods every couple of days. She is really getting the hang of this eating with a spoon thing.
  • Drinks 4-5oz every 3hours during the day, and usually once at night.
  • Sleeps great in her nap nanny, but we are starting to work on weaning her of it and having her sleep just on her mattress.
  • Weighs 11 lbs and 2 oz.
  • Wears size 1 diapers, 3month clothes
  • Loves: Caleb, baths, grabbing her knees, you play with her feet(although she doesn’t want to play with them herself)
  • Most verbal when “talking” to and interacting with Caleb.
  • Starting sucking/chewing on her right pointer finger.

Not really jumping, does the occassional push off but mostly just slowly turns.


Going, going…


Gone! This was her first roll over! (this was right after Caleb used the potty, so we were doing lots of celebrating that night!)


Sweet Potato! Usually she takes two days to finish a jar of babyfood. But not with sweet potatoes, she ate them all up!


She is mostly in the bumbo when we are in the kitchen. It’s like she is supervising us.

2011-12-31 17.21.16

She fell asleep next to me while I was pumping.

2012-01-17 14.37.22

Her first swing.

2012-01-06 12.01.16

This was the morning of my birthday. She usually cries when on her tummy, but this particular morning she was happy and giggling. I am taking it as my present from her! (oh and look at her in her cute little smocked dress and cardigan, LOVE IT!)

2012-01-29 08.34.25

That girl loves some bath time. Her tushy makes me laugh. She gets it honestly!

2012-01-30 19.23.412012-01-30 19.21.51

Peas were almost as big of a hit as sweet potato. Almost.


I just can’t get enough of that open mouth smile.


Here is the nap nanny. I don’t dare take a picture when she is really using it and risk waking a sleeping baby.


1 comment:

  1. Piper was in my lap when I was reading this post. She kept saying "there's ans-a-ley" she especially liked the nakey pic!
