Monday, May 16, 2011

Big Brother Class

For my insurance we have to take some birthing classes, one of which was a Big Brother/Big Sister class. We found a pizza place by the hospital that has vegan pizza(which Caleb needs because of his milk and egg allergies).  Caleb has never had pizza before so we were excited to be able to make this night special for him.

(My cell phone usually gets pretty decent pictures, so I have stopped dragging our regular camera around, but after tonight, I think it’s a must.)

Daddy and Caleb waiting for the yummy pizza!

2011-05-16 18.04.50

Ham and Pineapple pizza.

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All smiles! Pizza was a hit.

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At the hospital, exploring the room. He went straight for the instructor’s baby!

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I didn’t have much expectation for this class with him being so young. But this was right at the start…so you’re saying there’s a chance?!?!?

2011-05-16 18.58.41

All this kids sat in a circle with our instructor. Everyone was supposed to bring a baby or a stuffed animal. Our house is still baby doll free, so we went with Elmo.

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Mr. Social wanted to check out the other kids and their babies.

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“Teaching” Caleb how to put a diaper on Elmo. (We had to take him out of the circle and over to the side for the other kid’s sake.)

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Caleb and Mommy!

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Swaddling Elmo.

2011-05-16 19.14.39

It’s official. Caleb is now a Big Brother! We have to certificate to prove it!

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