Monday, August 9, 2010

3 Strikes

  1. Spoon-Caleb decided one day that he was on a “spoon strike” and wanted to eat like a toddler. That would be fine but I have groceries in the house for a baby not for a toddler. It only lasted a day-thank goodness because I have A LOT of babyfood left! He ate a bunch of blueberries, black beans and puffs(because that is what I had to give him) He can’t pick up things and get them to his mouth just yet, although he keeps on trying. He just wants you to feed him bites with your fingers.  By dinner, Mommy was getting creative. I would take the black bean and dip it in the babyfood and then he would eat it. We are back to eating off the spoon along with the finger foods.
  2. Bottle-Caleb has been taking a bottle since he was 3 weeks old. But this weekend he decided he was on to the “bottle strike”. I have heard of a milk strike but he was nursing great. I worked 2 days in a row and Caleb was being hard headed. (Sorry and thanks to Josh, Carrie, Nicole and Morgan who had to deal with this one.) They tried different nipples, different locations of eating, using the sippy cup, drinking from a cup-nothing worked. He finally got his milk when I got home. This one has got to stop soon…(Mommy guilt anyone?!?!?!)
  3. To be continued… 3 strikes and you’re out! Only time will tell what the next strike will be!


Caleb enjoying lots of blueberries!

2010-08-05 07.35.21

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