Look at our sweet patient!(We brought his toothbrush, elmo, books and other toys to keep him occupied)
Caleb’s neurologist Dr. H. suggested that we get a MRI to see if we could find out any answers to his developmental delays. We weren’t told very much about how that day would go. Our instructions were about Caleb’s diet and what time to be there. Caleb wasn’t allowed to have any food or milk past 2am, so when he woke up, we gave him as much pedialyte as he would take(he was allowed to have clear liquids until 6am) and after that he was NPO(nothing by mouth). We tried to fill his belly as full as we could so he would think that he didn’t need any other food. Luckily he LOVES pedialyte, he was happy to go with our plan so far!
We got to the hospital at 7:30am and were immediately admitted to the PICU(pediatric intensive care unit). I was not expecting him to be in the PICU but it was some what comforting knowing that he was being monitored so closely and with nurses(Teresa and Mary) and doctors(Dr.S) that only do pediatrics! He got his sedation medication at 9:30am and the MRI was at 10:00. We weren’t allowed to leave until Caleb woke up on his own which was about 3pm! He tried to wake up at 1pm but was really out of it still and very grumpy, so we knew he needed to sleep it off more. He was connected to the heart monitor, oxygen monitor and the tiniest little blood pressure cuff was on his lower leg all day making sure our little guy was ok.
They were able to get him sedated with just oral medications so no IV was needed. And he was sedated enough to get the MRI done so we could get “good” images. (both PRAISES!)
Dr. S(the PICU doctor) came and talked to us and told us his understanding of the results but we are still waiting for the official diagnosis/results. I really liked Dr. S. He said that he was “a glass half full kind of guy and our neurologist was a glass half empty kind of guy”, that is one true statement!
Here is Caleb waiting for the medication. He was just our normal happy baby!
Sleepy Boy. He was OUT! We waited patiently all day for him to wake.
I think if you could ask Caleb what was the worst part it would be getting the EKG leads(heart monitor stickers) off of his chest!
We are so thankful that we do not have to spend a lot of time in the hospital. One day was more than enough for us. God has blessed us and we know it. Thank you for all of your prayers for our sweet little Caleb.