Saturday, August 28, 2010

MRI day


Look at our sweet patient!(We brought his toothbrush, elmo, books and other toys to keep him occupied)2010-08-26 08.03.41

Caleb’s neurologist Dr. H. suggested that we get a MRI to see if we could find out any answers to his developmental delays. We weren’t told very much about how that day would go. Our instructions were about Caleb’s diet and what time to be there. Caleb wasn’t allowed to have any food or milk past 2am, so when he woke up, we gave him as much pedialyte as he would take(he was allowed to have clear liquids until 6am) and after that he was NPO(nothing by mouth). We tried to fill his belly as full as we could so he would think that he didn’t need any other food. Luckily he LOVES pedialyte, he was happy to go with our plan so far!

We got to the hospital at 7:30am and were immediately admitted to the PICU(pediatric intensive care unit).  I was not expecting him to be in the PICU but it was some what comforting knowing that he was being monitored so closely and with nurses(Teresa and Mary) and doctors(Dr.S) that only do pediatrics! He got his sedation medication at 9:30am and the MRI was at 10:00. We weren’t allowed to leave until Caleb woke up on his own which was about 3pm! He tried to wake up at 1pm but was really out of it still and very grumpy, so we knew he needed to sleep it off more.  He was connected to the heart monitor, oxygen monitor and the tiniest little blood pressure cuff was on his lower leg all day making sure our little guy was ok.

They were able to get him sedated with just oral medications so no IV was needed. And he was sedated enough to get the MRI done so we could get “good” images. (both PRAISES!)

Dr. S(the PICU doctor) came and talked to us and told us his understanding of the results but we are still waiting for the official diagnosis/results. I really liked Dr. S. He said that he was “a glass half full kind of guy and our neurologist was a glass half empty kind of guy”, that is one true statement!


Here is Caleb waiting for the medication. He was just our normal happy baby!

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Sleepy Boy. He was OUT! We waited patiently all day for him to wake.2010-08-26 11.24.37

I think if you could ask Caleb what was the worst part it would be getting the EKG leads(heart monitor stickers) off of his chest!

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We are so thankful that we do not have to spend a lot of time in the hospital. One day was more than enough for us. God has blessed us and we know it. Thank you for all of your prayers for our sweet little Caleb.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Not me Monday-Anaphylaxis

I decided that I was going to be a good wife and mother and make breakfast for my boys! Well that was one of my worst mistakes I have ever made! You are supposed to wait until babies are at 1 year before introducing eggs, but you can give egg yoke after 8 months. I wasn’t planning on giving it to him at all but because I was cooking eggs for Josh this morning, I thought hey why not!?!?!

To make a long story short the 2 bites of egg yoke turned into hysterical crying which turned into projectile puking which turned into full body hives which turned into wheezing!

I immediately gave Benadryl at the sign of the hives and then called the doctor. I was in touch with the doctor and phone nurse all day. Just closely watching him and his breathing. Picked up an epi-pen just in case. He wasn’t able to keep anything down(even milk) for even a minute-so he was started on 1/2oz of pedialyte every half hour and I was to continue the Benadryl every six hours around the clock. I was fine with that plan until he was snuggling with me on the couch watching a movie(since he was sedated from all the Benadryl) and he started with some breathing issues. So we went to the doctor at 4:30 and got started on steroids.

This was about an hour AFTER the first dose of Benadryl.

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Probably about 2-3 hours after Benadryl. He fell asleep swinging.

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After trip #1- to the store. Caleb’s prizes:Pedialyte and an epi-pen. (Proof that the kid can take a bottle by the way, see prior post)

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At the doctor-9 hours AFTER the stupid breakfast. Diagnosis from Dr.O: Anaphylaxis.

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After trip #2-to the doctor: Came home to find a prize(a book) from his Nana. Look how pitiful he is after a long day of sedation, hives, and puking.

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We have an appointment for an allergist Sept. 7th. Until then we are not to give him egg(duh!), dairy or any new foods.

What a day!

If you ever hang out with us-be prepared for a lesson on epi-pens!

Do we really WANT to hit these milestones?

During Caleb’s PT eval, they evaluated him on everything from social, gross motor, fine motor to self-help.  The only thing that he was age appropriate with was self-help. Self-help is eating and sleeping. We got that one covered! He got dinged for several items in the social category. But we are checking them off one by one. Unfortunately, all these things involve some sort of whining or crying. Do we really WANT to hit these milestones? ha. Here are some of the milestones we are crossing off of our list:

  1. Reaching for me to pick him up-it’s usually just one arm, but he will lean towards me too. He will do this most often when I come home and someone else is holding him. So sweet!
  2. Crying when you take away a toy(or not letting him have things that aren’t toys that he wants).  Yesterday, I was trying to write down something and you would have thought I was hurting him with the way he was carrying on and reaching for the pen. I gave him the pen to see if that was really the problem and the whining completely stopped and was replaced by a smile. Little stinker-I then took the pen back!
  3. Separation Anxiety-he hates being left alone now. It makes it really hard to get ready or get anything done. He used to be completely happy laying in the other room by himself while you would try to get some things done.

Caleb all worked up-so pitiful! 2010-08-05 11.27.46

Seriously, we are so relieved and happy to be dealing with these normal problems/milestones even if they aren’t as rewarding as the smile milestone. Keep growing and developing Little C, you are doing a great job!

3 Strikes

  1. Spoon-Caleb decided one day that he was on a “spoon strike” and wanted to eat like a toddler. That would be fine but I have groceries in the house for a baby not for a toddler. It only lasted a day-thank goodness because I have A LOT of babyfood left! He ate a bunch of blueberries, black beans and puffs(because that is what I had to give him) He can’t pick up things and get them to his mouth just yet, although he keeps on trying. He just wants you to feed him bites with your fingers.  By dinner, Mommy was getting creative. I would take the black bean and dip it in the babyfood and then he would eat it. We are back to eating off the spoon along with the finger foods.
  2. Bottle-Caleb has been taking a bottle since he was 3 weeks old. But this weekend he decided he was on to the “bottle strike”. I have heard of a milk strike but he was nursing great. I worked 2 days in a row and Caleb was being hard headed. (Sorry and thanks to Josh, Carrie, Nicole and Morgan who had to deal with this one.) They tried different nipples, different locations of eating, using the sippy cup, drinking from a cup-nothing worked. He finally got his milk when I got home. This one has got to stop soon…(Mommy guilt anyone?!?!?!)
  3. To be continued… 3 strikes and you’re out! Only time will tell what the next strike will be!


Caleb enjoying lots of blueberries!

2010-08-05 07.35.21

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pool Day

Caleb and I went to the pool together today. Just the two of us. The pool doesn’t open until 12. That is a problem when naps are usually between 1-2.  We usually have to just go for a little bit and then get home for naps. Today, I thought I would be brave. I pack our lunches and a book for me and was going to try to do naps at the pool. We had lunch, played in the kiddie pool, went swimming in the big pool and then Caleb napped and I read a book. It was perfect weather with a nice breeze. Then there was this guy. Thanks Random Guy for YELLING and waking up my son! Caleb woke up after about 30minutes, but was easily consoled and we were back in the pool. (We did sneak in an extra nap when we got home to make up for the short one)


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Monday, August 2, 2010

And we haven’t even started yet…


We are going to start the CDSA program of in-home PT(physical therapy) to help Caleb get moving. But it is a long process from the time you call to schedule the eval to the time that the therapist starts working with your kid. So our wonderful friend, who recommended CDSA, volunteered to come and work with Caleb until the program gets going.  Caleb might not appreciate it now(see pics below) but he will in the long run when he is able to move around.  Caleb is all smiles and giggles during the session until he gets tired of the activity and then we either get a little whine or a big scream.

Look who is on hands and knees!(For those of you who haven’t spent a lot of time with C-this is big progress!)

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2010-08-02 16.35.01


Using those arm muscles




Sitting and reaching with the opposite hand(his face makes me laugh-it was hard work)



By the way, our headless miracle worker was: Kristin! You are so awesome to come and spend your time with us and help our little Caleb!
