Saturday, October 17, 2009

So what does Plan B involve?

Plan B:
  • Back to my weekly doctor appointments and NSTs. They know me by name now, I guess that makes me a regular, I see them more than I see friends!
  • Back to work, so much for maternity leave. I don't want to waste anytime before he comes, I want to save it for when he is here.
  • Another round of house cleaning. This house was clean from top to bottom, dang...this one is going to take a lot of motivation.
  • Packing again...Josh keeps getting stuff out of our hospital bag...quit it already!
  • Shopping...I was planning on being delivered before it got cold or my gut got any bigger. I was given some bigger colder weather clothes, but they make me look like a tent on the top(Josh asked me if it was like our 2 person tent or our big 4 man tent...he might have gotten some crazy eyes from me on that one!) and they don't even cover the bottom of my gut. I found some good buys at Ross and Target!
  • Lots and lots of Palmer's coco butter with vitamin E. I made it this far without stretchmarks, but my skin is throwing in the towel. Remember, I was measuring 40 weeks when I was just 35 weeks, my belly just can't take it anymore! Sadness!
  • Lots and lots of waiting. This one is particularly hard on me...I was ready...WE ARE READY!
  • Lots and lots of praying. We are praying for mature lungs and a baby that comes by himself, and not needing a csection. We would rather not have to decide on another induction. God's will be done! (oh and while you are praying...ask for a bonus of him not having a Halloween birthday...that's just kinda creepy!)

I figured I needed to post a picture of my NST, because I am doing them all the time. This is clearly not a good angle! Just me, tilted to my side, with a contraction monitor on top and the baby's heart rate monitor on the bottom. I am holding a little button that I have to push every time he moves(which is a lot!)

Josh has been with me for 3 of the 11! His job is to sit in the corner and catch up on some magazines(like Oprah, fit pregnancy, etc). Usually the background noise is Caleb's heartbeat, but when Caleb does some big moves, the monitor picks it up with a swooshing sound until he is still again(bc of the water he is in) and Josh hates it. Its not exactly the best noise, but it doesn't bother me like it does Josh. They make me laugh, Caleb aggravating Daddy already.


  1. wow, praying fo patience for yall as caleb prepares to meet him mom and dad!

  2. Thanks for sharing Plan B with us... I bet you are MORE than ready for Caleb to be here! We're praying for you!

    Jessica and Brett
