Saturday, March 21, 2009

You read? I sure do...sometimes

Sometime late last year, I decided to cut way back on my TV consumption. Originally, I thought I might actually unplug the TV for a solid week, but quickly came to my senses and just cut back on the hours I watch. Additionally, we removed the television that we had in our room (one of the best decisions we've ever made...I would recommend every person take the TV from their room), and sold it via

But, that meant that I had so much extra time! I have managed to keep busy around the house as there is always something I should do; a list here and a list there. In the meantime, I have been reading more than I've ever read before. However, with so many books out there, how do I choose what to read?

I have read the following books in the past few months:

48 Days: Dan Miller
The Action Hero's Handbook: David and Joe Borgenicht
Quiet Strength: Tony Dungy
Empty Arms: Pam Vredevelt
If You Would Ask: Oswald Chambers
I'll Hold You In Heaven: Jack Hayford

Current reads:

Rebekah's Diary: Rebekah Pearl
James: Max Lucado

Future books I'd like to read:

Mother Teresa: A Complete Authorized Biography: Kathryn Spink
Save the Males: Why Men Matter and Why Women Should Care: Kathleen Parker
Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout: Rick Rigsby

I am currently taking suggestions on the next books I should read. Drop some suggestions and hopefully I can get motivated to read some more!



  1. If you like Fiction at all, I suggest you read some Randy Alcorn fiction. "Deadline" "Dominion" and "Deception". From what I know of you, Josh, I think you would really enjoy these. I read a lot of fiction and these three books are at the top of my list of favs. If you want nonfiction, I suggest "Future Grace" by John Piper. Probably the one book that has had the most influence on me.

  2. Sorry, I didn't mean to post anonymous above without signing my name. This is Amy Bunch.
