Saturday, October 13, 2012


Caleb started getting sick in Wednesday, with a runny nose and a temp of 101.7. By Thursday it was just a pesky cough. Two sick days. I was sure once we slept Thursday night he would wake up fine and go to school. He cried ALL night Thursday night and woke up breathing really fast and with a lot of effort. I called the pediatrician as soon as they opened and got an appointment for Caleb and Ansley(because of course we all have this "cold") for 11:15. It might have been 5min later I called the triage nurse and told her I wasn't sure he could wait that long. His respiration rate was about 60/min. She told us I get there as soon as we could. I didn't even let Caleb walk up to the dr. I threw him in the stroller and carried Ansley. His oxygen level was high 80 and low 90(should be darn close to 100%). And he was retracting like crazy. I had to take him straight to the pediatric floor. Even though they don't have a room ready they "accepted" us in the treatment room. The doctors started inhalers "as needed" but he seemed to be getting worse. So about 10pm they changed it to scheduled breathing treatments. He was retracting so bad, his little body working so hard to keep his oxygen levels as high as they were. When he slept hey dropped even more lowest was 83%! Way too low.

Josh was out of town working (mandatory he couldn't get out of it) so I was left alone with both kids. It was a long day trying to manage a sick toddler and a baby in a hospital room. Thank The Lord, the C family came to the rescue and took Ansley over night!

We are so glad to be home now. Back to the inhalers every 4 hrs for a couple of days. He is doing so much better.

Just arrived in the treatment room. Ansley fell asleep in the car to the hospital. Its not nap time but it was working for my benefit so I went with it!

Don’t judge. Ansley has no where else to go but the floor. I know its gross but I had no other option. The bath bucket with toiletries,straws and cups were great entertainment for both kids. And yes she is eating soap.

He finally was allowed off of continuous oxygen monitoring. So we were allowed out of the room. He had to wear a mask to keep others from getting sick.

The fish were a big hit!

Feeling much better. Waiting for the doctors to give the go ahead to go home!

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