Friday, June 10, 2011

28 weeks

GREAT NEWS! Baby girl is starting to cooperate! She is now head down, not breech anymore! Also, my placenta has moved off of the cervix. However, to get “cleared” of the diagnosis placenta previa, the placenta has to be a certain distance from the cervix. Mine is still too close so I am considered to have marginal previa now. I will take it! Baby steps! We will get another ultrasound at 34 weeks to make sure that it has continued to move away.

I also took my 1 hour glucose tolerance test last week, this is the test that will diagnose you will gestational diabetes. They want the level to be less than 135. My level was exactly 135. So they had me do the 3 hour test this week.  Boy that test was cruel and unusual punishment. I had to be fasting from the night before. I was ready to puke from not eating before I even left the house. I got blood drawn as soon as I got to the office, then had to drink that “yummy” sugar drink. After that I got blood drawn at 1, 2 and 3 hours after. That’s right folks, that 4 sticks. She stuck me in the same 2 spots too. I am bruised the heck up now. Not to mention while they were doing the test, I was told I couldn’t leave the building but just had to wait until my next blood draw. I found a couple of dark rooms, that no one was using to be able to nap in(I had to work that night, so I was up for any napping I could get!). But as the day went on, more patients were in the office and there were no hiding spots. I had to just sit there and watch the clock. I went straight from there to get some lunch! I couldn’t get out of there fast enough! To be considered to fail this test you have to have 2 of the values high. I only had one(the 2hour test), so I was just told to watch my carbs! Will do…watch them go right in! No, just kidding, I will be better!

I am still measuring appropriately! Which I am very excited about, because with Caleb he has already been diagnosed with LGA(large for gestational age…BIG!) and with poly(too much fluid). Right now she and her fluid level are right where they need to be! Thank you Lord!

Here is the sweet girl with no name. She is snuggled up to the placenta(which is on the back wall of my uterus/“womb”) with her left hand in her mouth. Her head is resting on my right hip bone, with her butt about at the top middle of my belly and her legs in my right ribs.

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Profile shot. The top of her head is on the right, again sucking on that hand. The ultrasound lady tried to poke her to get her to move her hand so we could see her face better, but she would have nothing to do with it.

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A more zoomed in profile shot. Same position but with her lips puckered.

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Comparison purposes: Caleb on the left and BabyGirl on the right. Caleb’s picture is amazing thanks to his bigger size and extra fluid(I guess there was some benefit to those problems!) I can’t decide if they look similar or not. I am thinking not, except for the hand placement! Seeing Caleb’s picture again makes me want to go back and get them to redo her pictures, surely they can get better shots! It will be really interesting to see if they end up looking alike a birth!

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Comparisons again: My belly with Caleb on the left and my belly now on the right. Similar size?

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And, just because he is a cute big brother!


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