Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Baby GIRL!

We are having a girl! We are so excited! We are still working on her name, her room and pretty much anything else that has to do with her! But now that we know what she really is a girl, we have some direction. We actually found out she was a girl while we were in Naples,FL thanks to my Aunt Patti and her connections. Our first ultrasound she was moving all over the place and very cooperative. Our official ultrasound Dr. R’s office, she was facing my back and her legs were closed. I was glad to have the extra assurance from our sneak peak ultrasound! The pictures we got from the ultrasound weren’t the greatest, maybe next time.

A quick look at us, left arm waving!

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This is what I was talking about. She spent most of her time like this…facing my back(to the right) and that’s her right arm blocking her face.

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Looking up. Cute profile pic.

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They did tell us that she is breech. She needs to flip on over (as soon as possible but) before 36weeks. Also they found out that some of my placenta is covering my cervix. The official term is complete placenta previa. If both of this “finds” don’t resolve themselves then we would have to have a scheduled C-section. Please pray that they resolve and that there wouldn’t be any complications from the placenta previa. They think that that should resolve by 24-26weeks, so they are doing a repeat ultrasound at 28weeks. So far I haven’t had any complications from the placenta previa, but its always a possibility and of course, always on my mind.

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