Yes, our sweet little boy is 10months old! Crazy how time is flying! I know we say it every month but it’s so true. Here are some tidbits:
- 20lb 14oz
- Loves: toothbrushes, Elmo, books, balls and paper
- Size 4 diapers
- Size 12-18month clothes
- After I work, he now goes to the neighbors house and plays with his friend, Jake(14mo)
- Eating more “pick-up” foods, and some stage 3 baby foods.
- Loves to eat: biter biscuits, mummums, cheerios and puffs!
- Still loves being outside, baths, and making big fat messes when he eats
- Can stay standing up now while holding on to stuff
- Is learning how to get from sitting to laying down and from kneeling at a bench to sitting
- He has bitten Mommy a couple of times on the shoulder and then he gets his hand spanked!
- Waves and says HI, although he is very shy about it now(we have video proof for all you nonbelievers!)
- Leans in for kisses with his mouth wide open
- Is officially babbling
- When he is going to sleep he pulls the burp cloth(that is under his head) close to his face
- Still sucks his thumb
- Has 7 teeth.(if you look closely in the first pic you can see the row on top and the 2 on the bottom)
Mr. Sensitive. He made such a big mess that we started laughing but he didn’t think it was too funny!
Using the 2 hand sweep to get in his cheerios!
Sweet Sleeper!
Toothbrush time.
Jake and Caleb at Jake’s 1st bday party!
that Mr. Sensitive face has to be the greatest! Melts your heart! :)