Monday, August 9, 2010

Not me Monday-Anaphylaxis

I decided that I was going to be a good wife and mother and make breakfast for my boys! Well that was one of my worst mistakes I have ever made! You are supposed to wait until babies are at 1 year before introducing eggs, but you can give egg yoke after 8 months. I wasn’t planning on giving it to him at all but because I was cooking eggs for Josh this morning, I thought hey why not!?!?!

To make a long story short the 2 bites of egg yoke turned into hysterical crying which turned into projectile puking which turned into full body hives which turned into wheezing!

I immediately gave Benadryl at the sign of the hives and then called the doctor. I was in touch with the doctor and phone nurse all day. Just closely watching him and his breathing. Picked up an epi-pen just in case. He wasn’t able to keep anything down(even milk) for even a minute-so he was started on 1/2oz of pedialyte every half hour and I was to continue the Benadryl every six hours around the clock. I was fine with that plan until he was snuggling with me on the couch watching a movie(since he was sedated from all the Benadryl) and he started with some breathing issues. So we went to the doctor at 4:30 and got started on steroids.

This was about an hour AFTER the first dose of Benadryl.

2010-08-09 11.42.35 2010-08-09 11.42.32 

Probably about 2-3 hours after Benadryl. He fell asleep swinging.

2010-08-09 12.32.30 2010-08-09 12.14.12

After trip #1- to the store. Caleb’s prizes:Pedialyte and an epi-pen. (Proof that the kid can take a bottle by the way, see prior post)

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At the doctor-9 hours AFTER the stupid breakfast. Diagnosis from Dr.O: Anaphylaxis.

2010-08-09 16.21.33

After trip #2-to the doctor: Came home to find a prize(a book) from his Nana. Look how pitiful he is after a long day of sedation, hives, and puking.

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We have an appointment for an allergist Sept. 7th. Until then we are not to give him egg(duh!), dairy or any new foods.

What a day!

If you ever hang out with us-be prepared for a lesson on epi-pens!


  1. wow! That is so scary! Good thing you know what you are doing. Glad it turned out ok. Hope he feels better tomorrow!

  2. Bless his heart...poor little guy :( Glad everything is okay! And don't beat yourself up about didn't know!

  3. Oh LA! I am so sorry! And so sorry for Caleb! Those hives look so miserable, not to mention the puking and breathing issue. That is so scary! I hope your allergist appointment goes well and you find out some things to really help you feel better about it. Food allergies are NO FUN!! I was depressed for at least 3 months after Isaac's reaction and diagnosis of milk allergy. And he didn't even have anaphylaxis! (Just hives like Caleb and some stomach issues, no breathing problems, at least none of his reactions so far have involved breathing problems that we can tell.) We keep that epi pen handy at all times though! Praying for you!

  4. Oh, he looks pitiful! I hope for your sake that he's not allergic to anything else!

  5. It's no fun when they look and feel so pitiful! I'm thinking babies should come with better instructions (I like this, I don't like this, I'm allergic to this, etc). I'm sure that would make life so much easier! Hope he's feeling better!
