Monday, June 21, 2010

A Visit from the Chupacabra

Early on Sunday morning, Caleb and I went outside to pick up the paper.  As I walked outside, I turned to the right and what did I see?  A Chupacabra!


After some close inspection and visits to a couple of cryptozoology websites, I came to the conclusion that we had a possum.  To make sure it was asleep, I threw a stick at it (you can see the stick on top of the possum).  Knowing that the defense mechanism for possums is playing dead, I had to be cautious, so I made Caleb touch it first (just kidding)

Because it was a Sunday, I tried to call Guilford County Animal Control, but they were closed.  The website pointed me to 911, so I called them.  Of course, they said there is nothing they could do, so I just left it all day. 

On Sunday, I came back to a dead possum.  I really don’t know why he came to our house to die on Father’s day, but he’s gone now, so all is well.


1 comment:

  1. you are super brave to take a pic - I would have screamed and run!
